Pirate Party UK (PPUK) - Restart and Recent Updates

After the previous Pirate Party UK (PPUK) was deregistered in November 2020, we embarked on a journey to keep the spirit and mission alive. Today, we proudly announce the restart of PPUK with renewed energy and commitment.

After the previous Pirate Party UK (PPUK) was deregistered in November 2020, we embarked on a journey to keep the spirit and mission alive. Today, we proudly announce the restart of PPUK with renewed energy and commitment.

Preserving Resources

When PPUK was shut down, the NEC and Board of Governors agreed to keep certain resources available for a potential new party. These resources include the logo, the domain name https://pirateparty.org.uk, and the residual website. These resources align with the aims and operation of the previous party, and we see no reason to object to the formation of the new party.

Application to Electoral Commission

An application for Pirate Party UK was submitted to the Electoral Commission on August 10, 2023. This was granted recently, and we are now officially registered as a political party in the UK. We can be found on the Electoral Commission register as PP17396.

Website Update

Our new official website is located at http://ukpirate.party, serving as a hub for our supporters and the general public. The previous website https://pirateparty.org.uk is no longer in use until we regain control of the old domain, at which point it will redirect to https://pirateparty.org.uk.

Future Plans

We have plans to establish a Board of Governors in the future as the party grows. This governance structure will help us ensure effective leadership and decision-making as we continue to expand our reach and impact.

Recent Changes

  • Leadership: Lucy Maber, a transgender leader, assumed the role of party leader on March 11, 2023, marking the beginning of a new and inclusive era. Since then, a treasurer has also been appointed, Lei.

  • Party Aims: PPUK remains dedicated to the core principles of its predecessor. We are committed to advocating for copyright and patent law reform, supporting privacy, reducing surveillance by governments and businesses, and championing freedom of speech and expression. Additionally, we have added trans rights as a central policy.

  • Branches and Governance: PPUK has adopted a new structure, and we no longer maintain branches or a Board of Governors. Our streamlined approach ensures efficiency and agility.

  • International Affiliation: As part of our restart efforts, we are actively exploring the possibility of rejoining Pirate Party International (PPI). As part of this, we have recently been accepted as an observer member. This step is essential to strengthen international collaboration and solidarity among pirate parties worldwide.

Contact Us

For inquiries or more information about our restart and activities, please feel free to contact us on Discord or via email. Details can be found on the [https://ukpirate.party/contact.html](Contact Us page) of our website.

Stay Updated

To receive real-time updates and stay connected with the Pirate Party UK community, follow us on https://twitter.com/_PiratePartyUK, https://tech.lgbt/@pirate_party_uk and https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratePartyUK/.

A Note of Thanks

We want to express our gratitude to the old NEC and Board of Governors for their contributions and dedication to the cause. We also want to take a moment to thank Harley Faggetter, our former leader who had to take the difficult decision to shutter the previous Pirate Party.

Thank you all for what you have done.

Thank you for your unwavering support as we embark on this exciting journey of renewal and growth. Together, we are redefining the future of pirate politics.